Submitted by admin on has been sending out notices like the one included below to CoC users. Please note that these are in regard to the migration of GT email accounts from the old OIT Spectrum email service to the new OIT Zimbra service (My GaTech). This migration does not affect current use of the CoC Zimbra email service on,,, or



Your email account <USER> and mailboxes will be migrated to the My GaTech service at 7:00 PM on November 05 2008.

Your departmental CSR may have provided information tailored to your specific needs. If not, please read the following to make your transition easier.

1. All users need to sign out of webmail and/or close mail clients at least ONE hour before the migration. The synchronization process might not complete if there are changes to the mail folders, such as sending and receiving email, creating drafts, etc. If possible, please disable any automatic email accesses on devices or turn off devices that you may have that log into your My GaTech mail account.

2. Prior to the move, all POP users need to switch to IMAP.
Any mail that you have stored on the server will be downloaded to your
new profile/email instance. This will keep all of your popped mail
separate and archived for later access. If it is not done, there could be email duplications or inconsistencies. If you need assistance with this, please contact your departmental CSR, email
(404-894-7173) or check

3. If you have webmail or Eudora address books that you need migrated, please go to for instructions or email for additional assistance.

4. If you have an Oracle Calendar account it will remain authoritative for official business. My GaTech calendar will not be enabled at this time. Further communication regarding this service will be forthcoming.

5. Your sieve rules will automatically be migrated. Mail filters will replace the Websieve and Smartsieve interfaces. You can edit & create new filters via the web interface at the Options/Mail Filters tab.

We expect to complete the migration no later than 6am the morning after your migration date. We encourage you to use the new web interface located at You may also continue to use any IMAP client. To authenticate, use your GT account name and password, just like you would for old Spectrum. can also be
configured to be your imap and smtp server. Of course, your previous
methods of access (,, will also continue to work.

If you have questions please look at the FAQs at If you do not find your answer there, please contact your department IT support, the Customer Support Center at, or 404-894-7173 option 2. The Customer Support Center hours are: Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm.

Thank You,

The Office of Information Technology (OIT)
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