Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description | Date Sort ascending |
Outage | Wireless LAWN issues | Wireless LAWN is experiencing issues. | |
Maintenance | MyGaTech Maintenance | MyGaTech servers undergoing maintenance. | |
Maintenance | Windows Test Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | Password Expiration Emails Blocked | Some GT account password expiration emails were not delivered. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | Password Reset Form Outage | The CoC online password reset form is offline. | |
Maintenance | CCB Router Maintenance | Upgrading the code on the CCB core router. | |
Maintenance | Routine RT Patching | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 4 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | Exchange & BES Maintenance | Routine system maintenance on the Exchange & BES servers. | |
Maintenance | Routine Web Server Patching | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Outage | Campus Network Issues | The campus network is currently experiencing issues. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 3 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 2 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | GT Border Firewall Upgrade | OIT will replace the border firewalls with new hardware. | |
Maintenance | Windows Test Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | CCB 247 Chiller Outage | The CCB 247 chillers are offline. | |
Outage | CCB 247 Chiller Outage | The CCB 247 chillers are offline. | |
Maintenance | UNIX Systems Patching, Day 1 | Routine semesterly systems patching. | |
Maintenance | MyGaTech Upgrade | OIT will upgrade MyGaTech/Zimbra to v7.2.2. | |
Maintenance | RIM network switch reboot | The switch in the RIM data closet was rebooted. | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Maintenance | Windows Test Server Patching | Routine monthly patching | |
Outage | CoC Research SVN/TRAC, FTP, & PHP/MySQL Down | The research community SVN/TRAC, FTP, and PHP/MYSQL web programming services are currently down. | |
Maintenance | DreamSpark Maintenance | DreamSpark will be offline. |