Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Retiring of Services on Old Email Servers Retiring of POP3s and IMAPs services on old email servers
Maintenance Patching Servers granite, helsinki, imperial, ix, korell2, lennon, locris, messena, tokyo
Maintenance Migration Moving the filemaker pro databases back to
Maintenance Patching Servers Patching several CoC servers.
Maintenance FTP Server Migration Retiring our current ftp server and replacing it with a new one.
Maintenance Patching Servers Routine patching of servers.
Maintenance Rebuild Rebuilding the filemaker pro database server
Outage Email Delivery Issues The Sun required patches caused the Sendmail configuration to fail on the CoC email gateways.
Outage and unavailable The patching on Rhampora and Mud caused incompatibilities with RT and the apache modules used by both. We are working to resolve the issues. UPDATE: RT is back up! Rhampora is still being worked on.
Outage ( patching issues We are experiencing some issues with the patching on Voreg. We are troubleshooting the issues at this time.
Maintenance Patching Servers Patching CoC servers.
Maintenance Retirement The server will be permanently powered off.
Outage CoC Chiller Failure Chiller units failed in CoC server room
Maintenance The server is now being tested.
Outage Rohan Cluster Outage Core switch for the rohan cluster is offline
Maintenance Upgrade Upgrading Zimbra on
Maintenance Datacenter Power Maintenance Network downtime in GTRI datacenter
Outage Failed on Reboot Following scheduled patching, lost both drives in its RAID array.
Maintenance Patching Servers Routine patching of servers.
Maintenance TSRB Network Switches Upgrade Upgrading the code on 2nd and 3rd floor switches
Maintenance Patching Servers Routine patching of 5 TSO servers.
Maintenance LANDesk Server Migration Migrating to new LANDesk server
Outage TSRB Data Center A/C Outage Several TSRB servers were powered off due to heat.
Outage Unresponsive Web server was victim of DoS attack.
Maintenance Academic Labs Maintenance Labs closed.