Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Outage Intermittent LDAP Authentication Failures GT account authentication is failing intermittently.
Maintenance FIrewall Rule Cleanup Firewall cleanup.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance OIT Webhosting Maintenance OIT webhosting maintenance to restart Plesk.
Outage Office 365 IMAP Connection Errors Degradation of IMAP/POP infrastructure.
Outage Office 365 Partial Outage New connections to Office 365 were failing for some users.
Outage CoC PhD Review Site ( Unavailable cannot connect to Banner.
Maintenance CoC Office 365 Migration CoC faculty, staff, and some student employee mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Outage Intermittent LDAP Authentication Failures LDAP authentication is failing intermittently.
Maintenance Early Adopters Email Migration Early adopter mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365 and On-Premise Exchange Services.
Outage Partial Outage is not returning a complete listing of students when faculty login.
Maintenance Early Adopters Email Migration Early adopter mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365 and On-Premise Exchange Services.
Maintenance Departmental VPN Maintenance will be offline.
Maintenance Network Maintenance Network improvement maintenance.
Outage CoC Network Outage The CoC network is unavailable.
Maintenance Exchange Maintenance Routine monthly maintenance.
Outage Network Outage - North Campus Loss of network connectivity for all of north campus.
Maintenance TSO Office 365 Migration TSO Exchange mailboxes will be migrated to Office 365.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Outage TSRB Power Outage Following a power outage, the network is down in TSRB.
Maintenance College MTA Migration The College's email routing services will be moved to OIT.
Maintenance DNS cleanup Reclaiming DNS entries that have not been in use since September 1, 2013.
Outage OMSCS is Unavailable The OIT Webhosting server Plesk-3, which houses, is offline.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance Exchange Maintenance Routine system maintenance.