Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description | Date Sort ascending |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 5 | Routine patching of core systems services | |
Maintenance | Maintenance | Moving to new hardware. | |
Maintenance | Server Patching & Mail Head Added | and will be patched and rebooted. will be brought online and added as another redundant mail head server. | |
Maintenance | Faculty Zimbra Migration, Week 2 | Migrating faculty from CoC Zimbra to OIT Zimbra | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 8 | Routine patching of core systems services | |
Outage | Exchange Email Problems | Queue failure on Barracuda spam device. | |
Outage | CommVault Server Outage | CommVault backup/restore services are offline. | |
Maintenance | Patching email server | OS PATCH | |
Maintenance | Software deployment | software deployment via LANDesk | |
Maintenance | Retirement of Legacy Mail Service on | IMAPS and POPS legacy mail service being retired on | |
Outage | IMAP service on Exchange service failed | The GTRI virtual machine that provides the IMAP Exchange service failed on Monday, February 16th at 7:15 pm. The VM server was rebooted, but it was not discovered until the next morning that the service had not properly restarted. A second reboot of the server was required to fix the error at noon on Tuesday, February 17th. | |
Maintenance | SSL Certificate Updates | TSO Updated the SSL Certificates for multiple web services. | |
Maintenance | CoC LDAP Services Reconfiguration | The configuration of CoC LDAP services provided by OIT will be updated. | |
Maintenance | Windows Print Server | was returned to active duty. | |
Maintenance | Recurring reboot | Recurring web server reboot | |
Outage | GVU1 Research Server Rebooted | ||
Maintenance | Reboot | Rebooting the web server | |
Maintenance | New VMPS Server for Network Switches | The CCB and TSRB network switches will be reconfigured to use the new OIT VMPS server. | |
Maintenance | Server Patching | Routine server patching | |
Maintenance | KILLERBEE System Patching | All of the KILLERBEE general access research servers will be patched and rebooted. | |
Outage | Configuration Update | The print server was reconfigured. | |
Outage | Research Web Programming Server Outage | The research web programming service on is unavailable. | |
Maintenance | Patching | Apply Windows and LANDesk updates to | |
Maintenance | Chilled water system | From Dec. 17 through the 21st, major work will happen on the chiller plants. | |
Maintenance | LANDesk Upgrade | Upgrading LANDesk to v9.0 |