Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Outage is down The server is experiencing RAID issues.
Outage HELSINKI rebooted was rebooted to resolve an NFS problem
Maintenance Server Patching Routine server patching
Maintenance Intranet Web Server Maintenance At 5:00 PM, Wednesday, February 25, 2009, TSO will apply a kernel patch to the web servers During this maintenance period, which should be completed by 7:00 PM, February 25, will be affected by this outage and no changes can be done to and users will not be able to log into Also during this time, we will be relocating, and from CCB 247 to KACB 2219 server room. Harrison is a redundant domain controller. Jackson is a certificate authority, no users should be affected by this move. is a redundant front end mail server for College of Computing, no users should be affected by this move.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance Internet Explorer Patch Applying out-of-band Internet Explorer patch from Microsoft.
Outage Air Conditioning in HPCF One of the air conditioner motors failed. Temperature was monitored throughout.
Maintenance Network outage for moe and luigi moving the network connections for moe and luigi
Outage Outage NFS and RPC failure on
Outage nfs service failure serves the nfs mount where files are located for the and approximatley 50 other sub-sites of The nfs service failed and the system required a reboot for the nfs mount to be restored. The main site was not affected during the outage.
Maintenance Enabling multicast on router Multicast needs to be re-enabled on the main router
Maintenance Patching Routine patching of redundant secondary DNS server
Maintenance Systems Patching, Day 7 Routing patching of core systems services.
Maintenance CoC Network Instability The CoC network was unstable for approximately 6 hours.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance Windows Desktop Patching Patching on Windows desktops.
Maintenance Server Patching TSO annual system patching.
Maintenance Patch thin client servers OS patch
Outage AdminFS Offline AdminFS file server is offline.
Maintenance DNS configuration change TSO will switch over DNS services to OIT's DNS service.
Maintenance MSDNAA upgrade
Maintenance Server Patch Removal A patch issued by Sun Microsystems is causing a memory leak and must be removed.
Outage Intermittent Exchange Outage - bounced email Some Exchange users are receiving bounced messages after sending email to specific non-Exchange users.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching