Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Outage Blackberry Enterprise Services BES offline.
Maintenance Exchange Services Migration Exchange Services are being migrated to new hardware.
Outage Web Services outage 2 servers hosting web services need to be rebooted
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching on Windows.
Outage NFS services down NFS Services for /hm31 /hm32 and /hm33 down
Maintenance Patching Redundant Core Servers Routine patching on redundant servers.
Maintenance Exchange & Blackberry Server Patching Routine maintenance to apply latest patches.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance Maintenance Moving to new hardware.
Maintenance Server Patching & Mail Head Added and will be patched and rebooted. will be brought online and added as another redundant mail head server.
Maintenance Faculty Zimbra Migration, Week 2 Migrating faculty from CoC Zimbra to OIT Zimbra
Maintenance Systems Patching, Day 8 Routine patching of core systems services
Outage Exchange Email Problems Queue failure on Barracuda spam device.
Outage CommVault Server Outage CommVault backup/restore services are offline.
Maintenance Patching email server OS PATCH
Maintenance Software deployment software deployment via LANDesk
Maintenance Retirement of Legacy Mail Service on IMAPS and POPS legacy mail service being retired on
Outage Chilled water outage for CCB Data Center 247/HPCF At 11:45PM November 11, 2009, several GTISC servers reported high temperature alerts. A call to GT Facilities was initiated and TSO personal arrived onsite to begin investigating. The following server clusters were shutdown to reduce the heat load and will be brought back online in the morning:Sith clusterHebrides infrastructureGTISC personal shutdown several GTISC servers as well.The temperature began returning to normal levels. TSO will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional updates.
Maintenance Security Improvements Security improvements on
Maintenance Systems Patching, Day 5 Routine patching of core systems services
Maintenance Windows Print Server was returned to active duty.
Maintenance Recurring reboot Recurring web server reboot
Outage GVU1 Research Server Rebooted
Maintenance Reboot Rebooting the web server
Outage IMAP service on Exchange service failed The GTRI virtual machine that provides the IMAP Exchange service failed on Monday, February 16th at 7:15 pm. The VM server was rebooted, but it was not discovered until the next morning that the service had not properly restarted. A second reboot of the server was required to fix the error at noon on Tuesday, February 17th.