Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Exchange & Blackberry Server Patching Routine maintenance to apply latest patches.
Maintenance Routine Unix Server Patching Day 2 Semesterly system patching.
Maintenance Routine Unix Server Patching Day 1 Semesterly system patching.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Outage Network Outage The north side of campus lost network connectivity.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance LANDesk Client Upgrade Updating the Windows LANDesk client.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance McAfee Antivirus Update Updating McAfee Antivirus to the newest version.
Outage Pasta Cluster Outage The pasta cluster was unavailable.
Maintenance Exchange & Blackberry Server Patching Routine maintenance to apply latest patches.
Outage RIM Website Outage Due to an AC failure in one of TSO's machine rooms, was made unavailable for several hours.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Outage Mailman Outage The mailman server is down.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Outage Outage Killerbee3 became unresponsive at 5:03 PM, October 4, 2011.
Outage Killerbee3 Killerbee3 became unresponsive at 5:03PM and wasn't responding on the console. The server was rebooted at 5:25PM and the server was back up at 5:27PM.
Outage Outage On Sunday, October 2nd, at 6:13PM, killerbee3 became unresponsive.
Maintenance Changes Changing the directory structure and shares on WinDepot.
Maintenance Windows Test Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Outage OIT Network Maintenance OIT upgraded the code on the North Interconnect router (NI-rtr) this morning at 4AM.
Maintenance Windows Server Patching Routine monthly patching
Maintenance CCB 2nd Floor Power Maintenance Power to office computers and overhead lights on the 2nd floor of the CCB will be out.
Maintenance Exchange Server Patching Routine maintenance to apply latest patches.
Outage Door Key Management System Hung The door key management system was hung, causing the Key Safe Status web page to disploay incorrect data.