Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Windows Desktop Patching Patching on Windows desktops.
Maintenance Chilled Water Maintenance ALL of CCB will be without regulated temperature for approximately 60 hours.
Maintenance Retirement The former Commvault backup server was decommissioned.
Maintenance NIS Server Move Moving the NIS server to KACB.
Maintenance VPN Server Move Moving the VPN server to KACB.
Maintenance Retiring CHBE Domain Controllers TSO will be demote and remove the last two CHBE domain controllers from the CoC Active Directory.
Outage Exchange Outage Brief Exchange outage.
Maintenance Regularly Scheduled Patching, Day 6 Routine system patching.
Maintenance Network Router Testing OIT and TSO will test the firewall blade failover and router configuration on the KACB Cisco Catalyst 6509.
Maintenance Regularly Scheduled Patching, Day 5 Routine system patching.
Outage Emergency Ccsamba Restart will be restarted.
Maintenance Killerbee5 Retirement The last of the older killerbee servers, killerbee5, will be permanently retired.
Maintenance Home Directory Migration Several home directories will be migrated to new hardware.
Maintenance Regularly Scheduled Patching, Day 4 Routine system patching.
Maintenance Regularly Scheduled Patching, Day 3 Routine system patching.
Maintenance Older Linux and Solaris System Changes TSO will alter access to several older TSO-managed Linux and Solaris servers and desktops.
Maintenance VPN Reboot Rebooting the CoC VPN.
Maintenance Regularly Scheduled Patching, Day 2 Routine system patching.
Outage Email Outage Email bound for @cc email addresses bounced.
Maintenance Windows Desktop Patching Patching on Windows desktops.
Outage Website Outage ~ webpages were unavailable.
Maintenance Regularly Scheduled Patching Routine system patching.
Maintenance Power Down of Retired System will be powered down.
Maintenance Power Down of Retired System has reached EOL and will be powered down.
Maintenance Network Firewall Maintenance Two subnets will experience a brief (1-2 minute) outage while Firewall contexts are moved from the 2nd firewall blade to the primary firewall blade.