Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.
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Type of Notice | Title | Description | Date Sort ascending |
Maintenance | NFS Home Directory Server Reconfiguration | TSO will reconfigure to address performance issues. | |
Maintenance | DNS Cleanup | Reclaiming DNS entries that have not been in use since July 31, 2008. | |
Maintenance | NFS Home Directory Server Reconfiguration | TSO will reconfigure to address performance issues. | |
Maintenance | Windows Desktop Patching | Patching on Windows desktops. | |
Maintenance | Exchange Server Patching | Routine Exchange and Blackberry Enterprise server patching. | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 7 | Routine patching of core systems services | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 6 | Routine patching of core systems services | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 5 | Routine patching of core services servers | |
Outage | Home Directory Server Restarted | was rebooted. | |
Maintenance | Windows Test Server Patching | Routine monthly patching. | |
Maintenance | Retirement of GAIA UNIX Servers | The GAIA general access Solaris-based UNIX servers will be powered off and permanently retired. | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 4 | Routine patching of core systems servers | |
Maintenance | Home Directory Migration | Several faculty home directories will be migrated to new hardware. | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 3 | Routine patching of core services servers. | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 2 | Routine patching of core services servers | |
Outage | Website Outage | Static webpages were unavailable. | |
Maintenance | Unused UNIX groups to be eliminated | CoC UNIX groups without members will be deleted. | |
Maintenance | Systems Patching, Day 1 | Routine patching of core services servers. | |
Maintenance | Removal of Outlook Auto Complete Email Entries | Outlook users' auto complete email entries will be removed. | |
Outage | Exchange Server 2010 Migration | Migration to Exchange Server 2010 | |
Maintenance | Windows Server Patching | Routine monthly patching on Windows. | |
Maintenance | Windows Desktop Patching | Patching on Windows desktops. | |
Maintenance | CCB 312N Network Maintenance | The fiber uplink for the 312N switch needs to be rerun in the data closet. | |
Maintenance | Windows Desktop Patching | Patching on Windows desktops. | |
Maintenance | Outlook 2003 Upgrade | Installing Office 2007 on TSO-managed computers. |