Visit this web page to stay informed of system outages and maintenance that occurs in the College. This information is also posted to the mailing list, which you can join on the OIT SYMPA server. An outage is an unplanned system or service interruption and a maintenance event is planned system downtime of a system or service. Please feel free to contact the TSO Help Desk (404-894-7065, if you have any questions.

Type of Notice Title Description Date Sort ascending
Maintenance Retirement of NFS Server NFS directories hosted by will be retired.
Outage Backup server failure On Saturday April 24 the backups of the hosts listed below failed due to the Solstice service declaring the index files to be corrupt. The index check process hung and the databases had to be manually checked. Unfortunately the Backups for these hosts failed Saturday April 24th and Sunday April 26th. awesome davro blanche hagrid jupiter klaatu know malay2 murray myrna newblue rotnart
Maintenance Backup Server Maintenance TSO will bring down the Solstice Backup server to expand its index directory.
Maintenance Exchange Server Patching Routine Exchange and Blackberry Enterprise server patching.
Maintenance Klaus Network Maintenance The core Klaus switch will be upgraded by OIT.
Outage Rebooted Killerbee3 was rebooted to clear up a stability problem caused by a stuck NFS mount point.
Maintenance Setting up CC to GTAD Trust A one-way trust will be established between the CC AD domain and the campus GTAD domain.
Maintenance Upgrading to Internet Explorer 8 TSO will be upgrading Internet Explorer to IE 8 on all managed Windows desktop computers.
Maintenance NFS Server Retirement TSO will move the data currently available through NFS on to a new server,
Maintenance Upgrading Domain Controller Hardware Replacing with newer hardware.
Maintenance Windows Desktop Patching Patching on Windows desktops.
Outage OIT DNS Outage The OIT Windows Server team renamed the Windows DNS servers for, which caused DNS problems for Mac machines bound to GTAD. The Academic labs were not affected because we manually override the DNS server setting with the IP address.
Maintenance McAfee ePO Agent Upgrade Updating the ePO agent to 4.5.
Maintenance Rebooting Windows RPC on is not responding. The system needs to be rebooted to clear the problem.
Outage Mailboxes on tokyo and rigel The last of the mailboxes on tokyo and rigel will be migrated to Zimbra.
Maintenance LANDesk Client Upgrade Updating the Windows LANDesk client.
Maintenance Killerbee System Updates 3 killerbee servers will be down for system updates.
Maintenance Setting up CC to GTAD Trust Setting up a one-way trust to GTAD.
Maintenance Webserver Migration Several web servers will be moved to a new server room.
Maintenance CoC VPN Reconfiguration The CoC VPN will be reconfigured to use GT account usernames and passwords.
Maintenance Server Patching TSO annual systems patching.
Maintenance Exchange Server Patching Routine system maintenance on the Exchange and BlackBerry servers.
Outage Prism Outage Prism directories are unavailable.
Maintenance New Websites Launching of new websites for CoC, IC, CS and CSE
Maintenance Server Patching Routine patching on Windows.